Monday, September 29, 2008

A Great Victory for American Workers

Today's defeat of the congressional bailout of the fascio-corporatist financiers and bankers of the wall street cabal is a great victory for American Workers. The ultra-wealthy and their political serfs have, for the moment, been forced to face the reality of their betrayal of the American people.

The cabal and their talking TV heads tried very hard to intimidate us by playing to our fears but their scare tactics did not work. Their statements, such as claiming that businesses will not be able to borrow money to make payroll, are obviously flawed. Any business which has to borrow money to make payroll is already broke and doomed to failure. The fascio-corporatists will no doubt continue to threaten and bluster but far as I am concerned they may now proceed to inflict as much damage upon themselves as they dare to inflict.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi led this surge in support of her economic soul mates in the Rockefeller wing of the republican party. Her head has been handed back to her on a silver platter. She may have even permitted the congressional republicans to save themselves from a near certain disaster at the polls in November.

All the major players - democrats and republicans - who tried to force this bailout through congress have betrayed the members of their political base. There will undoubtedly be a great deal more political fallout from their attempt.

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